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Technical specifications of dedicated servers

compared specifications
Dedicated server typeExtra Green 1HDGreen 2HD'sGreen or not so Green
CPU specificationsIntel Celeron J1900 Quadcore «10W» 4 x 4 x 2GhzIntel Xeon E3-1231v3 Quadcore HT «80W» 4 x 8 x 3.4GhzBuild-to-order, all cpu models available
Physical RAM8GB DDR3 1600Mhz16GB DDR3 1333MhzUp to 144GB
Hard disc space1 x WD 1000GB HD SATA22 x WD 1000GB HD SATA2 with RAID1Build-to-order
Total power consumptionUp to 200WFrom 200W to 400WAbove 400W
Server price497 € (vat excl.)975 € (vat excl.)ask for a quotation
Bandwidth50Mbps50Mbps50Mbps or +
Monthly Trafficunlimited (fair use)unlimited (fair use)unlimited (fair use)
root access (or privileged user access in case of fully managed server) via SSH + web panel Webmin (Virtualmin and Usermin)yesyesyes
Service Level Agreement (SLA) on network uptime up to 99,99%best effortbest effortbest effort, SLA possible
Remote reboot 24h via E-Powerswitchyesyesyes
Console port server (SSH emergency off-band access over serial port; ex. access possible with blocking firewall, etc)nonoyes
Usage of secondary all2all nameserveryesyesyes
Usage of secondary all2all MX mailserveryesyesyes
Flat rate setup, cables, rails, screws (one time fee)25 €45 €75 €
Installation OS Debian GNU/Linux and LAMP applicationsstandard: 75 €standard: 75 €personalized setup with online audit option: 400 €
Recommended option: full UNIX low level server management (upgrades, security, premium support and 24h Linux expert advise)75 €/month75 €/month75 €/month
Monthly flat rate45 € colocation rackspace 1U75 € colocation rackspace 1U105 € colocation rackspace 1U
dns registration .be11 €11 €11 €
Optional flat rate Backup per 500GB slice30 €/month30 €/month30 €/month
1U extra space supplement nono30 €/month
Intervention Linux operator (onsite training and software installation, precise quotation possible)50 €/h .org or 75 €/h .com50 €/h .org or 75 €/h .com50 €/h .org or 75 €/h .com
High availabilitynonoask for a quotation
Load balancingnonoask for a quotation
Possibility for advanced users to install the following environments Mono, Zope, Ruby on Rails, Tomcat, etcyesyesyes