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Recommended virtual server


For 350€/year ex. VAT you get :

30 GB30GB of disk space

Administrative interface

at least 128 MB RAM

5 GB Backup space

technical details
Disk limits (quota)30GB
Web panelincluded
SSH accessincluded
DNS managementunlimited
Mailing listsunlimited
Dedicated minimum RAM 128MB
Max. processes 120
Backup5GB included (extra, if needed)
Price/year350 €
Price/month29,17 € (info only)
More detailsSee the compared specifications


This standard virtual server is interesting for deploying applications which need a lot of disc space. The manager can use the disc space as he likes with as many domain names, mailboxes, databases or mailing lists within the boundary of his 30GB quota. As a rough estimate, one can approximately host around 25 mid-sized LAMP web sites on this kind of server.

Price/year 350 € (without 21% vat)


all2all puts at your disposal a private Linux system which runs on an extremely powerful and new 64bit server which has been specially built to serve v-server contexts. You can manage all the system configuration of the system. The dedicated RAM also permits to allocate enough memory to run multimedia applications with a certain bandwidth. The user has the choice to adminster his different system accounts via the Virtualmin web interface or to set up all parameters of the virtual hosting using the UNIX shell command line. There is also an optional subscription offer which includes full low level system administration, premium support and security management performed by an all2all UNIX operator. For advanced users who want to personalize their system, we also offer the possiblity to deliver the v-server with just a minimal system with SSH root access. The user can then continue the system configuration according to his project without loosing time to remove any unneeded software packages.

→ Order a recommended virtual server